TODAY.AZ / Business

Conference on perspectives of utilization of alternative and renewable energy sources held in Azerbaijan

01 June 2011 [16:07] - TODAY.AZ
Today, a Republic Conference on perspectives of utilization of alternative and renewable energy sources has started by the organizing of Institute of Radiation Problems of the Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences.

ANAS first vice-president Arif Hashimov noted that, share equity ratios and statuses of sources were changed in accordance to finishing of reserves main energy sources or decrease of consumption rate: "80% of world’s energy demand are provided by oil, gas and coal, and this make approximately 9.5 bln tons of oil. Oil makes 36%, coal – 23% and gas – 20% in energy demand. Global electric power supply makes 60-65% of total energy production. Leader of energy source in production of electric power is coal. So that, the coal is used by 1.5 times more than oil and gas".

He also noted that, the energy based on oil, gas and coal is characterized as main reason of world’s global ecological problems. So that, 70-80% of harmful gas I atmosphere comes from energetic installations.

According to him, realization of oil contracts during 2030 years, export of oil and gas to worlds market can cause the increase of energetic and ecological problems in the country, along with development of Azerbaijan’s economy: "Most of greenhouse gases in Azerbaijan are carbon gas, and 97% of its emission is energy".

Speaking about alternative and renewable energy sources Hashimov noted that, the world leaders on wind power are Germany and Spain.

Director of Institute of Radiation Problems Adil Garibov spoke about the state program on use of alternative and renewable energy sources for 2005-2013 and noted that traditional energy created global ecological problems: "Azerbaijan has purchased 57 wind installations and 3 of them have been installed. At the same time, solar converters have also been purchased. It’s possible to use wind power in Absheron Peninsula. So that, Azerbaijan’s annual wind power makes 800 MVt".

Speaking about increase of WPS by 3-4 times A. Garibov noted that, Azerbaijan’s full hydropower potential is equal to 35-40 bln kVt/hour.

Thereafter, the representatives of SOCAR, State Agency on Alternatyive and Renewable Energy Sources and other agencies have made speech. THE event will last two days and perspectives of utilization of alternative and renewable energy sources will be discussed.


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