TODAY.AZ / Business

Resolution by corrupt European deputies are no more than paper for Azerbaijan

29 February 2024 [15:57] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Fatime Letifova

Thirty years ago, when the UN adopted four resolutions on Armenia's occupation of Azerbaijan's territories, Yerevan did not consider them to be anything more than a piece of paper. It is a true saying that what goes around comes back around. Today, Armenia bases its hope on the ‘importance’ of the two formal resolutions adopted by the European Parliament so much that it even dreams of going back to 30 years ago.

However, the European Parliament's call for sanctions against Azerbaijan and the adoption of a resolution are not of any serious importance for Azerbaijan today. Unlike Armenia, this is not due to Azerbaijan's disrespect for the main structure of the European Parliament, but rather to the non-serious approach of the European Parliament to the provisions contained in the adopted resolutions. In other words, the European Union and its member states do not accept the fantasies reflected in the document.

Since any Western pressure against Azerbaijan usually coincides with the elections, this has even become an axiom. It is known that the European Parliament is preparing for new elections, and calls against Azerbaijan are being made by deputies working with the 'finance' of the Armenian lobby.

Kaspar Karapetyan, an Armenian living in Brussels, is behind this financing.

Although K. Karapetyan captured the headlines mostly with the corruption scandal starting in 2022, his "business" relations with the member of the European Parliament Eva Kaili of Greek origin on May 26, 2019 were one of the most popular events. It should be noted that Eva Kaili and Karapetyan's paths crossed in the EU Parliament, and their relationship further increased after the election.

In addition, let's note that Karapetyan, who is known as the boss of corruption and prostitution in the West, organised the illegal visits of many members of the European Parliament not only to Armenia, but also to Garabagh for decades.

A Greek citizen with an Armenian passport, 76-year-old Kaspar Karapetyan chose Brussels, the centre of European politics, as a platform for his activities, not only for considerations of a purely Armenian issue, but also for his narrow-minded business interests.

Karapetyan was engaged in shuttle trade in his youth in Greece. And later, in Belgium, he bought jewellery shops. He created an extensive and equally bloody network of "diamond business". From conflict regions of Africa, he smuggled into Belgium the oblong coloured diamonds, which are then faceted. So the diamond becomes as shiny as the Armenian issue. And then the diamonds are certified according to the thoroughly worked-out corruption scheme and go to the shelves of the branded boutiques in Europe.

Over time, Karapetyan's blood diamond business began to be connected with Armenia's Garabagh plans. Dashnak, expanding his business, began to play an extremely active role, from the Armenian occupation to the financing of radical Armenian organisations and terrorist groups.

With this money, Karapetyan creates a "European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy," which acts in conjunction with Armenia's foreign intelligence.

The Karampetyan Federation is a subdivision of the organization of the Yerevan-based "Armenian Cause Central Council".

Traces of Karampetyan's bloody mud lead from the offices of influential European officials and deputies to the battlefields in Karabakh.

As for Karapetyan's partner Kyli, on November 19, 2021, she was recognized as the main initiator of the distribution of the statement signed by the MEPs as a group and accusing "Azerbaijan of committing aggression against Armenia".

Thus, Karapetyan and all the forces close to him, united around the European Parliament, could not hide their true faces. The fact that some deputies of the European Parliament are engaged in issuing empty resolutions is precisely related to their corrupt practices, which they try to hide in the background.

The MPs who oppose Azerbaijan are those who have expressed the same position in the European Parliament before. They know their true inner faces, and even President Ilham Aliyev exposed these disgusting games in front of them when he received German business representatives.

There is no doubt that behind these games are people like Macron, Islamophobic, racist, and Turkophobic circles in the European Parliament, crusaders, and neo-colonial-minded people and agents.

Azerbaijan has no obligation to the European Parliament, nor is it worried about the threats of resolutions by a group of corrupt MPs. The whole world understands that this is a modern crusade. The era of the absolute monopoly of the West is coming to an end, this kind of populism has no value anymore.


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