Recently, the Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan visited the occupied Azerbaijani lands to watch training of the so-called "commanders" of the so-called "Defense Army" of the so-called "NKR" together with the so-called “NKR” “president” Bako Sahakyan.
After the “training” both of them decided to address the participants. Actually, they uttered nothing special. Sahakyan, who casts doubt on his intellect in his each speech, was true to himself this time, too. He said something, but nothing in reality. Ohanyan made a similar speech. But I really want to cite a couple of his quotes.
The Armenian defense minister said that "we all have witnessed a war, its horrors and tribulations. The Azerbaijani leadership has also seen it, and must do everything to avoid war. However, this does not mean that we ask peace from Azerbaijan. No, we do not ask, we firmly stand on our positions and, if necessary, will perform task facing us at the proper level in order to protect our country.”
But what firm positions does he mean? In fact, a position without a clear position? Well, this is actual position...
Maybe, Ohanyan is not aware of a horrific situation in his army? Maybe, acts of desertion, voluntary transition to the other side of the front line and mass evasion from military service in Armenia are concealed from Ohanyan not to injure his already shaky morale?
Of course, it is absolutely senseless to argue with the minister on this matter as it means that he does not see the obvious things. Apart from this, it means Mr. Ohanyan, whose earnings depend on the country's budget by no means and therefore on expenditures on military needs, is not aware of the size of the state budget.
Plight of Armenia's economy is so terrible that the government has decided not to offer scholarships to students starting from next year claiming that its small size does not help students.
Azerbaijan is not requesting to return its lands but demands to do so in a peaceful way. Otherwise ... Of course, Armenia will resist. With what then? Cardboard swords, with which the Armenian soldiers were photographed in their barracks and then posted the pictures on the Internet, thereby denouncing the whole wretchedness of the country’s army? Or maybe they will just come out on the battlefield and yell at Azerbaijani soldiers: "Go away, macaws. We will yell and call our elder brother diaspora!”
Armenia is on the verge of bankruptcy. Year 2010 will be the year of testimony for it when the country will either honestly admit into bankruptcy, dram will fall dramatically and Yerevan will actually sit in a very deep hole or it will try to hide true state of affairs, artificially portraying the state of the economy as quite bearable. Of course, Armenia likes none of the options. But what to do ...
Hamid Hamidov