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Eldar Gasymov's ideals, weakness and source of inspiration

30 September 2011 [11:31] - TODAY.AZ
20 questions to Eurovision-2011 winner Eldar Gasymov...
Everyone are curious about what their idols like, whats their favorite food, color, and so on. The answers are always different, and they help to understand the inner character. Here, we got the Eurovision-2011 winner, Eldar Gasymov, who answers some of these questions. Get to know the winner a little better.

1. Your writer - Stephen King. Sometimes I want just to abandon the real life and enter King's world. I love him because his books often keep me away from staying online for hours.

2. Your brand - Giorgio Armani, Zara. Things of these brands are comfortable and unique. Among them, I can take anything for my taste and for any event.

3. Your ideal - No definite person or a character. Actually, I event don't try to imagine an ideal person for myself. Instead, I'm trying to socialize with pleasant people and stay with them.

4. Your city - Frankfurt am Main. I feel like home. There are lots of memories connected to that place.

5. Your poet- Shakespeare. I actually don't like poetry much.

6. Your composer – Stephan Örn. He has a great heart. He presented us with a great song, thanks to which, we brought the victory home.

7. Your actress – Meryl Streep. She is adorable and a fantastic actress. She has many positive features, and I surely would like to meet her.

8. Your actor – Johnny Depp. Recently I watched "Tourist". I'm just amazed at Depp's acting skills. I'm just a beginner in acting and already know how difficult it is. After watching Depp act, I became even more respectful and biased towards this actor.

9. Your movie – "Hachiko". A dog awaiting for it's master, not knowing he's dead. Very heartwarming movie. It made me think about friendship and attitudes. Each time when I watch this movie, just can't control emotions and tears.

10. Your favorite type of sport – Swimming. I like water, spending my summer time in a beach or pool.

11. Your drink – Apple juice. I just love this drink.

12. Your source of inspiration – A good movie about success, art achievements. After watching them, I want more concerts and performances.

13. Your handbook – "The Eyes of the Dragon" by Stephen King. I'm reading it in German.

14. Your singer – Robbie Williams. Here my taste changes very often. I like Robbie for his simplicity and craze. Sometimes it seems that he doesn’t care about what happens around. He is all in music, he lives at the stage.

15. Your female singer – Beyonce. I was shocked when several years ago I watched her solo concert where she danced and sang. It's unbelievably difficult. She is malleable, active and passionate. She is a Diva.

16. Your weakness – Sleeping and the Internet. Two things that waste my precious time. I can't go on without them for too long though.

17. Your car – Mercedes S Class. Very beautiful and elegant car.

18. Your TV program. Actually, I don't like any definite TV program. I don’t want to name what comes to mind by chance.

19. Your best place on earth – Baku. My native city. I often tour abroad but returning back, I always feel the warmth of my country and people close to me.

20. Is there anything we skipped? Yes, "my favorite journalist" but this is another time (smiling).


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