TODAY.AZ / Sports

Rhythmic gymnastics section opened in Gusar Olympic complex - PHOTO

20 June 2011 [08:45] - TODAY.AZ
The official opening ceremony of the rhythmic gymnastics section in the Gusar Olympic complex has been held on Saturday. The secretary general of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation Farid Gayibov said that the goal of the federation is to develop this kind of sport in the country. He added that at present, these sections operate in Sumgait, Ganja, Khirdalan and Goychay.

The head of the Gusar executive power Shair Alhasov said that the interest in this kind of sport increased in the regions thanks to the president of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva. At present, this kind of sport in the country is at a stage of development.

Developing other kinds of sports has contributed to the fact that many talented gymnasts appeared in the regions of the country, the head coach of the Azerbaijani gymnastics team Mariana Vassileva said.

She said that the gymnasts from Gusar may join the national team.

She added that the favorable conditions were created in Gusar region to develop rhythmic gymnastics. About 60 girls began attending the section within two months of preparations before the official opening of the section.


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