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"Molla Nasraddin's Five Wives" play surprise Baku audience

27 March 2023 [13:37] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews 

Laman Ismayilova

The Azerbaijani State Academic Musical Theater has thrilled theater lovers with "Molla Nasraddin's Five Wives" play.

The play was staged at the Mingachevir State Drama Theater as part of the Year of Heydar Aliyev, Azernews reports.

The Culture Ministry organized tours of eight theaters across the country to enhance cultural life, to improve the quality of leisure of the population, especially young people, as well as to exchange the experience between theater teams.

"Molla Nasraddin's Five Wives" is based on a comedy play by the Uzbek writer Ibrahim Sadigov.

In the play, spectators witnessed the adventures of Molla Nasraddin and his wives. Molla Nasraddin is a satirical comic character, the hero of short humorous and satirical miniatures and anecdotes. He invariably finds an extraordinary way out of any situation.

In 2022, Telling Tradition of Nasraddin Anecdotes was included on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Honored Artists Akbar Alizada, Nahida Orujova, Igrar Salamov, Ulviya Aliyeva, actors Moila Mirzaliyev, Mehriban Zaliyeva, Guljaxan Salamova, Gulnara Azizova, Ruslan Mursalov, and Farid Rzayev left the audience speechless.

The play "Five Wives of Molla Nasraddin" was staged by Honored Art Worker Asgar Asgarov, stage designer - Honored Artist Nabat Samadova, choreographers - Honored Artists Zakir Agayev and Elena Agayeva, assistant director - Tamilla Aslanova. Dilsuz Mustafayev translated the text of the work from Uzbek into Azerbaijani.


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