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'Turkey will further work closely with U.S.'

07 November 2012 [17:26] - TODAY.AZ
Turkey will continue its policy of developing relations and partnerships with the United States, the President of Turkey Abdulla Gul said in a congratulatory letter to re-elected U.S. President Barack Obama, Yeni Safak newspaper reported on Wednesday.

President Gul stressed the importance of relations between Turkey and the United States from a regional point of view. Gul also noted the achievements of President Obama in his first term in office, emphasising the importance of Obama's policy in the implementation of social and economic reforms in the U.S.

The U.S. presidential elections were recently held. Mass media representatives participating in the vote count, declared Obama's victory when he received the required number of Electoral College votes.

Incumbent U.S. President Barack Obama won the presidential elections with 303 votes of electors although Florida has yet to complete its count.

To date, the current president received 303 electoral votes which is over the 270 votes needed to win the election. Republican Mitt Romney received 206 votes. Romney has already conceded defeat and congratulated Obama with his re-election.


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