Today.Az » World news » Lebanon, Iran to coordinate in UN Security Council
18 January 2010 [14:35] - Today.Az
Lebanon president Michel Suleiman on Saturday told visiting Iranian Vice President Mohammed Reza Tajeddini that Lebanon and Iran should coordinate their stances in the UN Security Council.

Suleiman described the Lebanese-Iranian relations as "good on all aspects," and asked Tajeddini to convey his regards to the Iranian president and his wishes of prosperity and stability to the Iranian people Lebanese newspaper An Nahar's website reported Saturday.

Tajeddini conveyed Iranian President Ahmadinejad's appreciation for Suleiman's efforts to strengthen the atmosphere of consensus in Lebanon and emphasized Ahmadinejad's full support for the unity, sovereignty and independence of Lebanon and its territory, the report said.

Lebanon became a non-permanent member in UN Security Council for a 2-year term from 2010 to 2011.

Tajeddini came to Beirut to attend the Arab and international forum on supporting the resistance which started on Friday.


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