TODAY.AZ / Politics

President of Honduras accepts credentials of Azerbaijani ambassador

16 November 2023 [11:52] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Abbas Ganbay

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan to Honduras, Mammad Talibov, has presented his credentials to President Mrs. Iris Xiomara Castro Sarmiento, citing the Azerbaijani Embassy in Mexico, Azernews reports.

It was reported that at the ceremony held at the Presidential Palace located in the capital, Tegucigalpa, M. Talibov first conveyed to President Xiomara Castro the sincere greetings of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. Expressing gratitude, the Honduran President asked to convey his deep respect and best wishes to President Ilham Aliyev.

It was noted at the meeting that there are permanent contacts, effective dialogue, and mutually beneficial cooperation between Azerbaijan and Honduras both in bilateral format and within international organisations, including the Non-Aligned Movement.

It was also stated that there is potential for inter-parliamentary, humanitarian, cultural, educational, trade-economic, and mutual investments between the two countries.

M. Talibov said that our country highly appreciates the fact that Honduras took a position based on international law in the period when the internationally recognised territories of Azerbaijan were under the military occupation of Armenia for many years.

President Castro emphasised the successful activity of the Non-Aligned Movement of Azerbaijan during his presidency. He also stated that his government is interested in further strengthening the existing relations of friendship and cooperation between Honduras and Azerbaijan and wished Ambassador Talibov success in his future activities in this direction.

At the end of the ceremony, a separate meeting between Ambassador M.Talibov and J.Torres took place on the basis of the assignment given by President S.Castro to Honduran Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Gerardo Torres Zelaya, who took part in the ceremony. At the meeting, they exchanged views on the current state of relations between the two countries and other issues of mutual interest.


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