TODAY.AZ / Politics

Democracy promised by EU to Armenia can bring its end

15 November 2023 [08:30] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Abbas Ganbay

The conflicts of recent years between countries are moving to a new frontier. Western democracy, as well as European democracy, have accelerated in a short period of time to achieve its goals of promoting its values and preparing the world for a new impending wave of reforms, both social and political.

Today, the concept of democracy has lost its meaning so much that the principles of democracy promoted by the West have gone far beyond their norms and principles. After the Second World War, when the UN and other similar organizations and alliances were formed, there were great hopes that a new world order would be established. However, over time, these hopes did not bear fruit, and it was revealed that these organizations and associations have secret diaries that comprise some dangerous moments.

Some Western European countries, trying to clean up the blood they shed in the colonized territories, and trying to compensate for the losses in World War II, are now trying to influence the economically weaker countries that once swam in the pool of the former Soviet regime under the name of "democracy". However, the mentioned "democracy" actually means a disaster in itself.

In this case, Azerbaijan also felt all the chaos and terror imposed from abroad after the collapse of the USSR, where genocide was carried out against Azerbaijanis by the hands of a neighbouring country to eradicate the nation of Turkic origin from the territory of Independent Azerbaijan. It was as if the bloodthirsty imperialist forces were implementing their goals against others with the help of those small so-called states. Because for 30 years, having strengthened itself at the world level and knocking at the doors of Western European organisations to achieve justice, Azerbaijan did not get it. It had to do everything on its own.

After the Second Garabagh War and the anti-terrorist measures that Azerbaijan conducted on its territory, it managed to break the separatist leech controlled by some Western European powers in less than 24 hours.

Nevertheless, those Western powers and European states with colonialist spirit, which could not recover from the disease of imperialism, could not come to terms with the realities. They decided to redeploy and regroup their forces in response to the defeat of Armenia, where Yerevan was being prepared to come out of the shadow of the Russian Federation. Thus, the West decided to meddle in the South Caucasus. As bases were once built around Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, etc., the Western powers are planning to use the same method on the territory of Armenia.

Literally, France continues to arm Armenia at a time when it wants to integrate Yerevan into the EU in order to soon withdraw from the CSTO and from Russia's influence, thus aggravating the peace treaty with Azerbaijan. The West decided to use the tactic of "playing in the shadows" on the territory of Armenia, increasing the mission of observers from the EU and the US. Peaceful coexistence in the South Caucasus depends on the actions of all those living in the region.

According to Mikhail Zernov, Director of the International Fund for Cooperation and Partnership of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, who commented for AZERNEWS, without a strong pro-Russian leader in Armenia, Russia and Iran will be forced to temporarily come to terms with what is happening.

"One should understand that by 'helping' Armenia, the West aims to destabilise the situation in the region, and further conflicts become inevitable." the expert said.

Armenia has announced plans to increase the number of EU observers on its territory and expand their capabilities, which "will allow for more active work related to 'observation', submitting relevant reports to Brussels and member states", which will definitely serve for EU's clandestine plans but in a word it is just for "strengthening the borders". Yerevan's Foreign Ministry said that work in this direction "will start soon, and there will be no delays."

No longer surprisingly, the European Union is loudly warning Azerbaijan, saying that "any violation of Armenia's territorial integrity and sovereignty is unacceptable and will lead to serious consequences".

The West, unwilling to see the suffering Azerbaijan has endured for three decades, dares to immorally declare and warn against "attacking" Armenia under their control. Didn't Azerbaijan call for a peaceful solution to the conflict? Didn't Azerbaijan call on international organisations for a conscientious solution to the conflict? Didn't Azerbaijan call on Armenia to withdraw its troops from its territory?

These consequences of Erivan's actions are fraught with a desire to leave the CSTO, EAEU, and CIS and join the side that will "take under guardianship". According to Zernov, leaving the CSTO, EAEU, and CIS may eventually lead to the loss of Armenia's sovereignty in the long run, where the country can eventually turn into a battle zone for the anti-Russian Western powers.

"The EU is now a new Reich, Adolf Hitler's dream of uniting Europe has come true. It is clear that the supplied weapons will be put into action, most likely against Azerbaijan. If this happens, the consequence will be an ignominious war that will end with the fall of Armenia's ruling regime."

Despite the difficult relations between Russia and Armenia, Yerevan continues to help Russia circumvent sanctions, where Yerevan uses the Batumi (Georgia)-Novorossiysk (Russia) sea route to re-export sanctioned goods to Russia. Armenian Shipping Company transports 600 containers weighing 6 tonnes weekly. It is noteworthy that immediately after the outbreak of war in Ukraine, in the first half of 2022, the bilateral trade turnover between Yerevan and Moscow increased by 42%.

Iran, in turn, is ready to sharply increase gas supplies to Armenia, where Mahdi Sobhani, the Islamic Republic's ambassador to Yerevan, told Civilnet. According to him, it may be a question of increasing exports 3-4 times within the framework of the "Gas for Electricity" programme, which has been in effect since the late 2000s and in August was extended until 2030. Under this agreement, Armenia imports 300-500 million cubic metres of Iranian gas annually, in exchange for which Yerevan CHPP supplies electricity to Iran at a "rate" of 3 kWh per 1 cubic metre. At the same time, about 2.5 billion cubic metres are purchased in Russia, which allows Gazprom to occupy about 85% of the Armenian market.

Thus, against the background of what is happening both on the political and economic levels, it is revealed once again how false the goals of the Western forces are. The West, which supposedly imposes sanctions on Russia for the sake of Ukraine, turns a blind eye to the continuation of many dirty businesses at times that actually benefit themselves. Just as it is trying to apply one of its similar goals to the South Caucasus.


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