TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijan takes over chairmanship of Economic Cooperation Organization

24 January 2023 [17:27] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Fatima Hasanova

On January 24, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov attended the 26th meeting of the Council of Ministers of the member countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization conference in Uzbekistan, Azernews reports, citing the ministry.

During his speech, the minister stressed the importance of the measures taken toward the creation of a transport corridor from the Eastern Zangazur economic region of Azerbaijan to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

"The Zangazur corridor will be especially important for the growth of cooperation between the nations in the entire region," the Azerbaijani foreign minister said.

The Tashkent communiqué, which was adopted following the meeting, expressed support for the settlement of interstate relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia on the basis of mutual recognition and respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty. Confidence was expressed that this would contribute to the establishment of good neighborly relations in the region, sustainable peace, and economic progress.

At the meeting, the chairmanship of the Economic Cooperation Organization was officially handed over to Azerbaijan.


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