Delegation at the head of deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov who took part in the meeting of joint commission on delimitation of Azerbaijan-Russia frontiers in Derbend, returned to Baku.

According to north bureau of APA, the delegation is comprised of head of state Border Service general-lieutenant Elchin Guliyev and chief of State Committee of Land and Cartography of Azerbaijan Garib Mammadov, heads of executive powers of Gusar, Khachmaz, Balaken regions and other officials. Russia was presented in the commission meeting by delegation at the head of representative of foreign policy of this country Aleksandr Yakovenko.
Discussions were held on the debated frontier territories in the regions Khachmaz, Gusar and Balaken.
According to the information of the north bureau of APA received from the executive power of Derbend , Khalaf Khalafov though stated that, they come into some agreements on one of the debated territories , he refused to give concrete information about it.
Aleksandr Yakuvenko said that, he thinks of the meeting to be fruitful and constructive. He didn't exclude that the next meetings on the level of working groups will end positively.