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Belarusian Culture Minister visits National Carpet Museum

05 April 2024 [15:06] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Belarusian Culture Minister Anatoly Markevich has visited the National Carpet Museum as part of the Days of Belarusian Culture held in Baku.

The minister got acquainted with the valuable art samples displayed in the exhibition of the museum, Azernews reports, citing the ministry.

The guest was informed about the museum's history and activities, Azerbaijani carpet weaving art, national embroidery, art metal, and clothing samples, as well as works and other projects carried out in order to enrich the collections.

The minister, Anatoly Markevich, who also visited the jewellery fund, expressed his satisfaction with getting acquainted with the rich national cultural heritage and wrote his good impressions about the museum in a memorial book.

The guest was presented with a carpet woven in the Traditional Technology Department of the museum.

Founded in 1967, the National Carpet Museum holds more than 14,000 exhibits of the finest Azerbaijani carpets.

Initiated by eminent carpet artist Latif Karimov, the museum is beautiful inside and out.

The museum's new building is designed in the form of a rolled carpet. Now, the museum hosts multiple events, including international symposiums, conferences, and various exhibitions.

In 2019, the museum received national status for its significant contribution to popularising and promoting Azerbaijani carpet weaving art.

In 2020, the Carpet Museum enriched its collection with a beautiful pile of carpets purchased by the Culture Ministry at the Sartirana Textile Show in Italy.

The 19th-century Guba carpet "Ugakh" was donated to the Carpet Museum, while the Garabagh carpet "Chelebi" enriched the collection of the museum's Shusha branch.

Moreover, the Carpet Museum won the Travellers' Choice Awards for the fourth time.

In 2023, the museum received the 2023 Experts' Choice Award, which is the only award given based on the opinions of professionals.

The award proves once again that the professional activity of the National Carpet Museum is highly appreciated by visitors from all over the world.


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