TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Energy level hit an all-time high at Baku Piano Festival

04 July 2023 [14:10] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

The Second Baku International Piano Music Festival has come to an end.

Founded by Honored Artist, jazz pianist Shahin Novrasli, the festival offered an unforgettable music experience.

All contributed to a truly unforgettable experience that will live on in the hearts and minds of everyone, who attended the music festival.

Musicians from Azerbaijan, Turkiye, Germany, Austria, Brazil, France, Spain, Latvia, Hungary and Norway took to the stage to deliver breathtaking performances that left everyone in awe, Azernews reports.

When headlining act of the closing ceremony Hamilton de Holanda Trio, stepped up, the energy level hit an all-time high.

Brazilian composer Antanio Jobin's music and the Brazilian band's improvisations were a great success and became a highlight of the festival program.

The music band totally captivated the audience and kept music lovers' attention until the last beat of the drumsticks.

At the end of the concert, to the applause of the audience, the musicians played an encore.

As the festival wrapped up, it was clear that everyone had had an amazing time.

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