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Six reasons for Armenia to succeed in Eurovision 2010

23 February 2010 [17:35] - TODAY.AZ
Winning the lottery is a thing that usually happens unexpectedly. Also, there are events that occur regardless of someone’s will… For example, summer is always followed by fall and fall is followed by winter.

Valeria Reshetnikova (Eva Rivas), who recently discovered that she is three-quarters Armenian, will represent Armenia in Eurovision 2010. Why? For different reasons.

First, she is backed by businessman Samvel Karapetian. According to reports, he has spent from two to seven million dollars on her promotion.

Second, Karapetyan is the brother of Armenia’s Presidential Administration Chief Karen Karapetyan who is so outraged by discussions on Reshetnikova- Karapetyan relations that he is going to punish the “dirty gossipers” himself. According to reports, some people have been even called for questioning. A strange picture, isn’t it? Armenia’s law enforcement agencies seem to only protect Armenia’s oligarchs and their protégés.

Third, Reshetnikova had to change her surname in order to represent Armenia in Eurovision. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has also changed his name; he was previously widely known as Serjik Sargsyan.

Fourth, Reshetnikova’s victory was predetermined by Armenia’s well-established tradition of  falsifying information; from their history to election results. These traditions certainly will not be violated for the sake of Emmy and Mihran, who were voted as favorites by the fans.

Fifth, let's not forget it is the Karabakh clan that holds power in Armenia. Karapetyan has kept those in power satisfied, as he did Reshetnikova, with investments in various projects.

Sixth, Reshetnikova’s victory was predetermined by a hidden allusion to the so-called “Armenian genocide” in her song. This is an issue that can unite Armenians who hold either traditional or nontraditional views on history, culture and politics.

Armenian newspaper Haykakan Zhamanak introduced last year its version of the answer to the question why Armenia took 10th place in Eurovision 2009. According to the paper, the 10th place was a result of Sargsyan’s policy in terms of the “Armenian genocide” and the Karabakh issue.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this year Armenia will be represented by a participant who will try with her song to satisfy the Armenian Diaspora.

This will be a kind of political campaign for President Sargsyan. I don’t exclude that in Oslo Azerbaijan will face another Armenian provocation similar to that in Moscow when in the first semifinal Armenia showed a monument located in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Given Sargsyan’s statements at the London Royal Institute of International Affairs Chatham House, it is quite possible that this time Armenian provocations will try to “Armenianize” precisely this area of Azerbaijan using Reshetnikova.

A. Hasanov
Day.Az writer

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