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Sargsyan introduces ‘innovative’ method of communication

11 February 2010 [18:48] - TODAY.AZ
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan recently sent a letter to his Turkish counterpart. The full text of the letter was released by media later.

It is worth mentioning that Sargsyan would have never had to send this letter if he had been committed to clear and fair foreign policy.

It makes no sense to present the full text of the message, but I will still cite Sargsyan.

However, before we jump to the letter, I want to draw attention to its existence in the first place.

Sargsyan sent it to Gul at a time when relations between the two countries are at a deadlock. As we know, talks on opening the border and establishing diplomatic ties were almost frozen, following an Armenian Constitutional Court decision to amend the Armenia-Turkey protocols. It angered Turkey, which demanded Armenia to review the CC decision.

It is pointless to revise one’s own decision, especially that of a Constitutional Court. Armenia understands this perfectly. The dead end in relations does not benefit Armenia because it needs the border to be open.

Sargsyan’s ‘innovative’ method of communication

As a result, Sargsyan could not invent anything better than to resort to the old Soviet practice of sending symbolic letters to heads of countries.  

In his letter he refers to Gul as “Your Excellency” and “Mr. President,” calling for better relations.
I wonder why he didn’t throw twenty balls decorated with the colors of the flags of Armenia and Turkey, and why didn’t he drop a box of Armenian cognac? He may do that on the way back from London, since he is going to fly over Turkey one more time…
I wonder whether such letters and moves will become a habit for Sargsyan. If yes, then the president and members of the Turkish Government will regularly receive letters and parcels from heaven.

Tradition is greatly respected in the Caucasus and the Armenian presidential administration faces another headache - Sargsyan’s “innovative” method of communication.

Sargsyan has ‘regained sight?’

“Mr. President, I think you will agree that the main role in breaking stereotypes in relations between the Armenian and Turkish people and creating an atmosphere of mutual trust is in the hands of authorities. We can achieve results only through faith in our work, determination and integrity. Otherwise, when the words and deeds contradict each other, it causes distrust, giving scope for opponents of the process. We must realize that this case does not contribute to the process, but makes it meaningless,” Sargsyan wrote in a letter.

One wants to exclaim “What are you talking about?!” Why did not Sargsyan realize it before?

How quickly you forget about the so-called “genocide” of Armenians. In fact, the letter makes no mention of it. Where were you when the Armenia Constitutional Court was going to announce its decision? Why didn’t you think at least about the fate of the Armenian people, who simply got tired of living in a state of external blockade and clashes between clans and public semi- mafioso groups?

Sargsyan wrote that it was time to show determination and make a big step forward. I would like to emphasize that it is unrealistic to seek regional security and stability without normalizing relations with Azerbaijan. I am confident that Sargsyan understands that.

Does this mean that Sargsyan will soon start returning Azerbaijan’s territories? Not necessarily. Indeed, except for alleged good intentions of the Armenian president, there are many other factors that Sargsyan cannot ignore. Internal contradiction, the Diaspora, which is also divided, and a number of other equally important factors are just a few.

Besides, we all know the distinctive feature of Armenian rulers - get the most and give nothing in return. Azerbaijan and Turkey have learned it from their own experience.

It is good that Sargsyan has good intentions. Hopefully, they would be followed by appropriate action. But, unfortunately, the Armenian president’s London speech leaves little hope ...

H. Hamidov
Day.Az writer

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