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Social dissatisfaction gains momentum in Armenia

06 June 2014 [10:40] - TODAY.AZ
By AzerNews

The Armenian government is set to increase further the goods prices in the country.

The electricity price will increase in the country, where one third of the population lives in poverty.

The Public Services Regulatory Commission will increase electricity tariffs for all consumer groups by almost four drams ($0.0096).

By this decision, the commission plans to cover financial gaps of the electricity companies, which need additional funds at 20 billion drams ($48,343,200).

The Armenians faced the last increase in electricity in 2013, when the tariffs rose by eight drams ($0.0193). Gas prices for consumers also increased in parallel, which led to the closure of several small and medium enterprises. The decisions led to social protests.

The government increases only gas and electricity tariffs, but not salaries. The minimum salary in Armenia is 50,000 drams ($120), while the minimum consumer basket is 56,000 drams ($135).

Ombudsman recently said that the minimum wage in Armenia is insufficient for a normal life.

President Serzh Sargsyan has repeatedly promised to increase the minimum wage, but the population still can hardly make both ends to meet.

Local experts said high electricity tariffs will be a blow to the entire economy. The increase of electricity tariffs will undoubtedly led to the rise other tariffs, which in turn will make life harder for poor Armenians.

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