TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijan publishes book about rules of election coverage in media

20 October 2010 [15:07] - TODAY.AZ
The Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA) jointly with the Fund for Freedom of Speech Protection published the "Media and the electoral process: legislation and best practice" book to assist journalists in the electoral process. The book was presented on Wednesday in Trend's conference hall.

ACSDA Electoral Staff Head Maharram Zulfugarli noted the media's special role in covering the electoral process, public awareness and covering programs and platforms of political parties, coalitions and candidates.

The media outlets should ensure fair, detailed and impartial coverage of the electoral process in accordance with the election law, Zulfugarli said.

The book reflects detailed information about the electoral law, cases of restriction of suffrage, voting rules, election monitoring, conducting the election campaign, the rights and obligations of observers, the participation of media in elections, best practices in this area and the interpretation of legislative articles related to the elections.

Parliamentary elections are scheduled for Nov. 7. The election campaign was officially launched on September 3. Previous legislative elections were held in November 2005. Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan are held by the majority system in 125 electoral constituencies.


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