TODAY.AZ / Business

Venezuelan president invites Turkmenistan into 'gas OPEC'

08 September 2009 [09:25] - TODAY.AZ
President Hugo Chavez on Monday urged energy-rich Turkmenistan to join a proposed gas cartel similar to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, in a move that might irritate the West, AP reported.
"Without you, we will not be strong enough," Chavez told President Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov during his trip to the Central Asian nation, which has the world's fourth-largest reserves of natural gas.

Russia and Qatar, the world's largest exporters of natural gas, came up with the initiative in early 2007. Venezuela, Iran and Algeria said they were interested in joining.

Many experts say a natural gas cartel resembling OPEC would be tough to achieve. European leaders have decried the idea, as the EU is already alarmed by its growing dependence on gas supplies from Russia.

Russia controls most of Turkmenistan's exports, while the European Union and U.S. have been pressing for better access to its resources.

Unlike oil, which is traded on an exchange that constantly updates the price, most gas is sold under tight long-term contracts. Gas liquefaction requires expensive cooling plants and pressurized containers.

Chavez's visit to Turkmenistan was part of his trip to Libya, Algeria, Syria, Iran, Belarus, Russia and Spain. He described it as a bid to build a multi-polar world and decrease U.S. influence in the region.

Chavez arrived in Italy later Monday for the Venice Film Festival.

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