TODAY.AZ / Politics

Musavat party accuses Azerbaijani authorities of holding pro-Russian policy

25 September 2008 [09:09] - TODAY.AZ
Musavat opposition party has made a statement about the external policy of Azerbaijan.
According to the statement, the external policy of Azerbaijan has faced serious problems due to the absence of conceptual grounds and failure to define priorities.

"During Russia's aggression the silence of authorities and absence of clear position was in Russia's favor. Definition of this aggression in pro-governmental newspapers as "the Georgian-Ossetian conflict" can be called a disrespect towards the public opinion of Azerbaijan. But before it, by demonstrating indefiniteness in Nabucco project and launching talks on the sale of Azerbaijani gas to Russia, official Baku has questioned great transit potential of the country", states Musavat party, assessing the state as a crisis in external policy.

"Though they try to justify it by calling it a "balanced policy", the events and reality prove the need for the serious correction of this course. The events of the recent says show that Azerbaijan is violating commitments, assumed at the GUAM energy summit, by conducting the pro-Russian policy", says the statement.

Musavat party considers that such a policy damages Azerbaijan's relations with several countries in the framework of GUAM and the Council of Europe, as well as its main strategic partner - the United States, changes the geostrategic state in the region in Russia's favor, poses a threat to the functioning of several economic projects, implemented under wide economic and political support of the West and meeting the country's basic interests.

"The Musavat party condemns this policy and considers that the situation requires definition of the external political priorities of the country, development of their scientific and conceptual basis. It is especially necessary to underline the country's course towards integration with the Euro-Atlantic area and to adopt an official statement about membership in NATO and EU", says the statement.


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