TODAY.AZ / Politics

Anne Derse: "USA will spend over $3,000,000 for assistance to fair and transparent elections in Azerbaijan"

01 May 2008 [12:00] - TODAY.AZ
The United States will assign over $3,000,000 for different programs, aimed at fair and transparent elections in Azerbaijan.
The due announcement was made by the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Anne Derse.

She noted that these programs will aim at:

-strengthening of political parties;
-observation of elections and their monitoring;
-conduction of political debates;
-conduction of various trainings;
-conduction of an exit-poll.

"Our assistance is aimed not to separate parties or politicians but for strengthening of democratic values in Azerbaijan. The coming elections offer a unique opportunity to Azerbaijan to demonstration the strengthening of these values. The United States want Azerbaijan to attain its goal in development of modern democratic state and the leader of the region. I think our programs will promote attainment of these goals.

At the same time, Anne Derse noted that democratic development primarily depends on the will of the state and people. She expressed hope that the coming elections will be fair and transparent and the events, which occurred in Armenia, will not repeat.


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