TODAY.AZ / Politics

Turkey's EU negotiator Babacan put through "security shock"; Denmark apologizes

17 November 2006 [11:36] - TODAY.AZ
Turkey's State Minister and Chief EU Negotiator Ali Babacan, who arrived with his delegation in the Danish capital Copenhagen on what was the last stop of a 4 day tour of EU countries, was met by police at the Danish airport who attempted to search Babacan himself.

Though Babacan managed to persuade police that he was in official capacity as a member of the Turkish government in Denmark for talks, members of his delegation were all passed through hand held electronic detector searches. According to CNN Turk, Babacan's delegation arrived on Thursday evening from talks in Sweden, and were transported from their plane by minibus to the security region of the Copenhagen airport, where police put every member of Babacan's delegation except for Babacan himself though hand detector search procedures. While police had also demanded to search Babacan, the EU negotiator reportedly protested, telling them that he was a cabinet minister from Ankara, and that he was in Copenhagen for official meetings.

During the mini-protocol crisis, a Turkish Airlines flight was kept waiting on the apron for Babacan and his delegation, lest the crisis grow in proportion. In the end, Babacan and his delegation left the airport, 35 minutes after the initial search procedures had begun.

Denmark Ambassador to Turkey Kim Jorgensen has apologized on behalf of his country. Denmark police had attempted to frisk Turkish Minister of State Ali Babacan in Copenhagen Airport, causing a "diplomatic crisis" between two countries.

Kim Jorgensen has stated that he has not yet received detailed information about the "frisk crisis" then added: "What happened in Copenhagen Airport was a great misfortune. I do not know the details yet but we are sorry about it." Hurriyet, Sabah


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