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World's eyes on Putin-Trump meeting

07 July 2017 [13:48] - TODAY.AZ

By Azernews

By Kamila Aliyeva

A long-awaited meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin will take place on July 7, on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in German Hamburg.

This first face-to-face contact has generated more interest, excitement and speculation than any other meeting by world leaders in recent history.

The formal meeting will take place against the backdrop of U.S. investigations into possible collusion between Russia and Trump campaign figures during last year's election.

Relations between the two countries are strained over a number of issues, including Ukraine, the war in Syria, relations with Iran and allegations that Russia has interfered into elections in United States.

The U.S. Congress is currently investigating the possible Russian intervention in the presidential election. Moreover, there are regular reports in the American media about the contacts of members of Trump's campaign headquarters with Russian officials and businessmen. Russia repeatedly denied such accusations while Kremlin called them "absolutely unsubstantiated."

Whether Trump will raise the issue of election hacking is the million-dollar question, as he repeatedly refuted Russia's alleged role.

In Moscow, the Kremlin is assessing the meeting as an opportunity for the pair to "get acquainted and finally understand the true approach of each other".

 “This is the first meeting, the first acquaintance of the two presidents. This is the main thing for this meeting,” Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists earlier.

The Russian and U.S. leaders are expected to discuss a wide range of issues, including the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, according to him.

"As for Syria, I believe that they will discuss the conflict settlement, the Astana process and perhaps in case of the United States’ readiness - issues of possible cooperation between Russia and the U.S. in the interests of joint fight against terrorism," Peskov said.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump, at a press conference in Warsaw after a meeting with his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda and ahead of his meeting with Putin, criticized Moscow, calling its behavior "destabilizing."

"America stands for the maintenance of peace and security in Central and Eastern Europe. We are cooperating with Poland in response to the actions and destabilizing behavior of Russia. And we are grateful to Poland for the example that it gives to other NATO members, being one of the few states that fulfill financial obligations towards the Alliance," Trump said.

Experts say Moscow and Washington are unlikely to make significant agreements, but the meeting will give them to take measures of each other.  The meeting will not change the situation dramatically, but it will provide an opportunity for both Putin and Trump to evaluate each other, to see how they can build their future relations.

Others say that the two leaders can seize opportunity to stop the deterioration of relations between the U.S. and Russia, but early improvement is impossible.

Previously, Putin and Trump had held several telephone conversations but it was not enough because relations between Moscow and Washington were at the "zero level."

The relations deteriorated further after the missile strike against Syria which was carried out by the United States. In Syrian issue, Moscow backs the government of Bashar al-Assad while the U.S. supports rebels trying to overthrow him.

Previously, Trump said that the United States' relationship with Moscow "may be at an all-time low."

Putin also underlined that the level of trust with Washington under U.S. President Donald Trump degraded.


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