TODAY.AZ / Society

Azerbaijan could face drought danger in years to come

21 August 2014 [09:35] - TODAY.AZ
By AzerNews

This year's drought will affect the future of Azerbaijan, National Academy of Science said.

The torrid summer has already damaged some sectors in Azerbaijan and the rainless weather is expected to continue in the coming days. Moreover, the hottest day of the year with 40-42 degrees above zero is predicted to come on August 20.

Perennials, dried by drought this year, will be able to give a normal harvest at least in five years, Head of the Department of Eco Geography at the Geography Institute of ANAS Enver Aliyev said.

The research into the northeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus in the territory from Altiaghaj to Gusar region showed a reduction in stocks of plant mass in comparison with previous years.

"The drought is observed throughout the country," he stressed.

In the eastern part of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus - in Shamakhi, Gobustan regions, on the flat part of Ismayilli and Shirvan plain the drought has left serious consequences.

Aliyev said if the current situation continues the private farms, orchards, spreading over thousands of hectares in Agsu, Goychay, Shamakhi, Aghdash regions and the flat part of Ismayilli, will be seriously affected.

He also talks about the perennials dry affects on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus. Trees have also dried up in some areas of Aghsu region. This means that in the next five years, they would not have a normal harvest.

"The drought has most strongly affected the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus. Pirsaatchay and Agsuchay rivers are completely dry, the stock in Girdimanchay River decreased threefold and people residing near basins of these rivers are seriously affected by the drought," Aliyev added.

The drought has created other problems, he went on saying. Vegetation of summer pastures in Guba-Gusar region has significantly reduced which will cause damage to livestock. For this reason, a special attention should be paid to the procurement of animal feed for the winter.

However, Aliyev is optimistic. "If autumn is rainy and rainy weather lasts a little longer, the situation could slightly improve, and the people would suffer less," he said.

This year the drought has destroyed crops fields in Shaki, Shamakhi and Gobustan, Head Agronomist of the Central Botanic Garden, Asif Mehraliyev said earlier.

Experts had warned about the danger of the abnormal heat since April. However, farmers said the heat did not damage the fruit yield in summer, but it would damage the yield of the autumn and winter fruits and vegetables that are growing at the moment.

ANAS has already warned the population to use water collected in reservoirs properly as rainfall has dropped significantly this year and some rivers have dried already.

The long-term drought may also cause extremely strong mudflows in the mountainous areas in autumn.

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