TODAY.AZ / Society

Azerbaijan ready to fight Ebola virus

13 August 2014 [09:53] - TODAY.AZ
“No country, including Azerbaijan is insured from the virus”, chief of the Health Ministry’s sanitary-epidemiology control sector Viktor Gasimov told APA.

The Chief of the sector said that The Word Health Organization has not closed the borders yet and has no decision on it. “However, all preparatory measures have been taken in Azerbaijan. In any suspected cases, appropriate measures will be taken”, he said.

Note that, Ebola virus was found in a Nigerian tourist at Istanbul Ataturk Airport.

The death toll inflicted by the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa reached 1,013 and the number of people infected totaled 1,848.

The symptoms of the virus include high fever, headaches, vomiting and diarrhea.

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