The European championship held among the male chess-players in the capital of Poland, Warsaw finished.

229 chess-players of the continent including our eight grand masters struggled in the personal championship of the continent. Two of our compatriots scored a victory, another two of them ended in a draw and others were defeated in the last tour of the tournament.
Teymur Rajabov scored a victory over Alexey Dreyev from Russia, and Shahriyar Vammadyarov won Luis Galego from Portuguese. Namig Guliyev was defeated by Alexandr Graf from Germany, Gadir Huseynov by Pyotr Bobrash from Poland, Rasul Ibrahimov by Lauren Fressye from France, and Rauf Mammadov by Tigran Petrosyan from Armenia. Ekmir Huseynov ended in a draw with Luch Vinants from Belgium, Sarkhan Guliyev with Sergey Grigoriants. So, the best indicator of our compatriots in the championship lasted about 15 days belongs to T.Rajabov.
The leader of the national team won the silver medal of the championship with 9,5 points. Liviu-Deter Nisipyanu from Romania who is going to celebrate his 29th age after one month won the first place and 20 thousand euros by scoring 10 points. 18 year old T.Rajabov will be rewarded with 16 thousand euros as the winner of the second place. Other our chess-players S.Mammadyarovwas 56th (7,5 points), G.Huseynov 75th (7 points), N.Guliyev 115th (6,5 points), S.Guliyev 126th (6,5 points), R.Ibrahimov 148th (6 points), R.Mammadov 150th (6 points), E.Huseynov 171st (5,5 points).