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Winter season starts in Azerbaijan

22 December 2023 [17:54] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Laman Ismayilova

Winter brings forth a unique beauty, enveloping the landscape in a tranquil atmosphere. During this time of year, nature enters a phase of relaxation and renewal. The winter season sets in Azerbaijan on December 22.

During the winter solstice, the Northern Hemisphere experiences its shortest day and longest night.

In the Southern Hemisphere, astronomical summer begins at this moment.

The duration of daylight is 9 hours, 17 minutes, and 22 seconds, and the duration of night is 14 hours, 42 minutes, and 38 seconds. This happened on December 22 at 07:27. (GMT+4).

For nature lovers, winter in Azerbaijan offers countless opportunities to witness breathtaking natural phenomena such as frozen waterfalls and pristine snowy landscapes.

The country's national parks and reserves, including Goygol National Park and Shahdag National Park, provide a serene retreat for those seeking to connect with nature in its winter attire.

The reserve accounts for 500 plant species, including nearly 60 endemic ones. One can come across such animals as roe deer, wild boar, and chamois there.

Anyone visiting the Land of Fire should enjoy the magnificent views at Goygol National Park.

A cold climate with dry winters prevails in the area. The annual temperature of the weather wavers between 4-10 degrees C. Annual precipitation is 600-900 mm.

It includes one of the most beautiful and cleanest lakes in Azerbaijan - Goygol.

The lake gets its name from its deep blue-colored water. It was formed in 1939 as a result of the earthquake that occurred in Ganja. Kapaz mountain tumbled down and blocked up the Aghsuchay river.

The water in the lake is always cold, even in August, and does not rise above +17?C.

More than 423 types of trees, shrubs, and medicinal plants grow here. In the surrounding forests, you can meet wolves, foxes, deer, jackals, bears, lynxes, and many other animals.

The lake area is ideal for walking, travelling, and family picnics. Recreation on the shore of the fresh lake is the best decision on hot days.

Established in 2006, Shahdag National Park has emerged as a top destination for travelers. The park offers an incredible opportunity to witness the marvels of the natural world. Spanning an initial area of 115,900 hectares (1,159 km2), the park was later expanded to 130,508.1 hectares (1,305.081 km2) as per a presidential decree issued in 2010.

Shahdag National Park is truly captivating, offering a habitat for the rare East Caucasian tur, a species of mountain-dwelling goat antelope exclusively found in the eastern region of the Caucasus Mountains.

The park is also home to a diverse range of large mammals, including the Caucasian and Bezoar ibex, domestic goat, Caucasian lynx, Syrian brown bear, wild boar, Indian wolf, common jackal, common jungle cat, red fox, roe deer, and bison, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts.

A rich variety of tree species, such as the Caucasian Oak, Caucasian and European Hornbeam, Oriental Hornbeam, Oriental Beech, Silver Birch, Birch, Common Yew, White Willow, Common Walnut, and Wild Cherry, flourish within the park's boundaries.

Shahdag National Park provides a serene haven for those seeking a profound connection with nature, offering a wealth of natural beauty and biodiversity to explore and appreciate.


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