TODAY.AZ / Society

Azerbaijani ambassador gifts Azerbaijani language textbooks to Ukrainian lyceum

16 November 2023 [13:51] - TODAY.AZ
Abbas Ganbay

Azerbaijani Ambassador to Ukraine Seymur Mardaliyev has handed over Azerbaijani language textbooks to the Ukrainian lyceum named after Zarifa Aliyeva. The diplomat wrote about it in the social network "X", Azernews reports.

"Visited the humanitarian lyceum "Linguist" named after Zarifa Aliyeva in the Ukrainian city of Irpin to hand over textbooks of the Azerbaijani language. This lyceum was the first educational institution in Ukraine where the Azerbaijani language was taught. The subject is included in the curricula of grades 3-11," the report says.

According to the ambassador, cooperation in the field of education is "an important component of Azerbaijan-Ukraine cooperation".


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