TODAY.AZ / Politics

Through Zangazur Corridor, Armenia can improve relations with Turkiye, official says

08 May 2024 [10:56] - TODAY.AZ
Fatime Letifova

As stipulated in the 2020 ceasefire statement, a joint road and railway can be constructed from Zangazur territory, Azernews reports, citing the representative of the President of Azerbaijan on special tasks, Elchin Amirbeyov, as he told in a statement to the German newspaper "ZEIT".

He noted that through this corridor, Armenia can get out of isolation, collect transit fees, and improve relations with Turkiye.

Regarding the possibility of Armenia rejecting this offer, E. Amirbeyov noted that a road and railway can be built through Iran, which would be only ten kilometers longer than the Zangezur corridor.

E. Amirbeyov considered the worries of Armenians absurd.

The material published by the newspaper stated that the length of the strip of landfalling on the territory of Armenia is only 34 kilometers and it separates Azerbaijan from its exclave, Nakhchivan. In response to the question about the possibility of war, E. Amirbeyov emphasized that it will not happen at all. According to him, the exchange of military personnel between the countries is also a positive trend and it also serves to strengthen the trust between Baku and Yerevan.


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