TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani students to hold meeting in Ankara office of the UNO

23 February 2005 [17:48] - TODAY.AZ
A meeting will be held in front of Ankara office of United Nations Organizations at 3 p.m on February 25.
Turkey bureau of APA informed about it.

Support to the just struggle of Azerbaijan will be wanted from international organizations in the action dedicated to aggression of Armenia to Azerbaijan, events happening in Garabagh, the anniversary of the tragedy of Khojali.

The meeting will be held by Free, Indivisible, Fair and Democratic Azerbaijan (FIFDA) organization established by Azerbaijani students studying in Turkey.

Izmir brunch of FIFDA together with social sciences institute of Izmir September the Ninth University will hold meeting on the topic "Armenia problem in Turkey and Azerbaijan" on February, 25.


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