TODAY.AZ / Business

Final notes of luxurious life of Armenian millionaires in Khankendi

11 April 2024 [15:21] - TODAY.AZ

Garabagh, which has been under Armenian occupation for more than 30 years, has been a source of private business not only for ordinary Armenian residents, but also for Armenian millionaires. Khankendi is one of the cities that has become a private recreation center for Armenians. The large number of weapons and ammunition found there so far makes it clear once again what the main goal was.

Footage of the cognac factory of Armenian oligarchs in the city of Khankendi has circulated. The footage that was shown on the Azerbaijani State television channel AzTV program called "Our word is our signature!" spilled the bean about the real nature of the Armenian occupation and building a huge arsenal in the town.

Obviously, one of the shareholders of the cognac factory was Arayik Harutyunyan, the former so-called "president" of the separatists, who is currently imprisoned in Baku. Armenians, using the natural benefits of Azerbaijan, produced various products, including cognac, and presented it to the world as their brand.

In addition, Azerbaijani lands, especially Khankendi, were illegally exploited as a recreation camp for Armenian millionaires. Such speculators who built themselves villas and sold the country's natural resources abroad and got rich are paying the price of their crimes today.

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