TODAY.AZ / Business

Caspian oil and gas reserves assume special significance for U.S.

11 March 2005 [22:18] - TODAY.AZ
"Big oil and gas reserves of the Caspian region are of significant importance for USA".
Total oil reserves of both Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan are slightly less than oil reserves of USA". Agency Trend informs, the Administrator of International Agency of Development of USA (IAD) on Europe and Eurasia Kent Hill stated this during hearing at the committee of external relations of Senate.

He said, geopolitical importance and importance of security of countries of Caucasus and Central Asia increased significantly. Namely these states are in the front lines concerning efforts directed for creation of stability in the region, which is more subjected to extremism, circulation of drugs and terrorism, said K.Hill. He mentioned, despite on significant success achieved in support of democracy and market economy by IAD, still much is to be done. We can't indifferently refer to these regions, where the fight with weakening Communist heritage is continuing, considers Hill.

Kent Hill reminded to senators, strategy of US national security acknowledges, factors of development, defense and diplomacy are of equal significance. Efforts put for the support of democratic, economic and social reforms at the territory of Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union play "central" role in security of USA. Kent Hill enumerated priorities of strategic plan, jointly accomplished by State Department and IAD in Europe and Eurasia. This is support of democratic and economic freedoms in Islamic countries, strengthening of relations of states of the region with NATO, Council of Europe, and also expansion of corresponding bilateral relations with USA, preventing of AIDS disease and its treatment.

Totally USA proposed to Congress in 2006 financial year, within frames of "Statement about support of freedom" allocation of assistance in amount of $483 mln to republics of the former Soviet Union.


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