TODAY.AZ / Business

President approved the signing of contract with designers of new manat

04 March 2005 [09:35] - TODAY.AZ
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev approved the signing of agreement with designers of new banknotes of national currency.
As the Cabinet of Ministers reported to "Trend" agency, the leader of Azerbaijan approved the choice of Committee on monetary reforms in Azerbaijan, which appointed the designer and manufacturers of new banknotes and coins.

An order for manufacturing of new banknotes will be given to the British company Thomas De La Rue, and the order for their design - to Rotert Coline. The contract with R.Coline has been already signed, but not with Thomas De La Rue. The subcontractor of Thomas De La Rue on manufacturing of coins will be the British Royal Mint. The works on designing of new banknotes will be completed at the end of March-beginning of April, and after 9-10 Azerbaijan will receive new banknotes.

The expenses for manufacturing of new banknotes will be $23 million.

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