Today.Az » Society » School building for 432 schoolchildren put into operation in Aghdam
08 September 2023 [11:57] - Today.Az

Abbas Ganbay

A school building for 432 pupils was put into operation in the Birinji Baharli settlement of Aghdam district. Head of General and Preschool Education Department of the Ministry of Science and Education Elnur Aliyev, head of Aghdam district executive authority Vagif Hasanov, head of Garabagh Regional Education Department Gunduz Abdulov, education workers attended the opening of the school building, Azernews reports, citing AzerTac.

Speakers at the ceremony talked of the importance attached to education in our country, consistent measures taken by President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva in this field, as well as works done to strengthen education.

Then the participants of the event familiarized themselves with all the conditions created at the school. The school building with a total construction area of 2620 square meters has two floors. The school has 16 classrooms, technological, physical, chemical, biological, computer, technological, military training, administrative and service premises, gyms and sports halls, library, canteen. The building is equipped with heating, electricity, surveillance, ventilation, and fire protection systems.

The building is entirely handcrafted, with almost 600,000 bricks laid by the bricklayers themselves. It is designed to have a natural ventilation system on the roof level, with openings inside the façade and the outer wall to ensure natural cross ventilation. The double roof creates a comfortable climate in the classrooms, with the space between the ceiling and the roof allowing for ventilation.

The new school building in Birinji Baharli is a much-needed development, as it provides a safe and healthy environment for students and teachers to learn and work in. It is also a testament to the hard work and dedication of the bricklayers and other workers who worked on the project for seven years.

The withdrawal of the occupying Armenian Armed Forces from Aghdam was possible thanks to the political leadership and commanding skills of the President of Azerbaijan, victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, and the successful military operations of the Azerbaijani Army in the Great Patriotic War.

Thus, on September 27, 2020, the Azerbaijani Army, which prevented the provocation of the Armenian Armed Forces on the frontline, counterattacked and liberated several regions, hundreds of villages and settlements, and strategic heights from the enemy. The 44-day Patriotic War, which resulted in the hoisting of the Azerbaijani tricolor flag in the liberated cities, villages, and settlements, ended with the Victory of the Azerbaijani Army.

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