Today.Az » Politics » Panakh Huseyn: "Military trainings, held in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan, prove that Armenians are not interested in the peaceful resolution of the conflict"
27 October 2008 [17:22] - Today.Az
I regard the trainings in Nagorno Karabakh just as one of the many actions, held by occupants in the occupied Azerbaijani lands, said member of the parliamentary commission on defense and security Panakh Huseyn.

He said this training can hardly be Armenia's demonstration of power in a response to the statement of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, according to which Azerbaijan will never recognize the independence of Nagorno Karabakh. According to him, there was nothing extraordinary in the statement of the Azerbaijani side and this is a general political course of Azerbaijan and the will of Azerbaijani people, voiced by the country's leadership, regardless of who represent it.

"Therefore, I do not consider that the trainings were a response to this statement", said he.

As for whether he regards the conduction of large scale trainings as odd considering the Yerevan's statements that there is no alternative to the peaceful resolution of the conflict, he said Armenians are occupants and, therefore, their intention to demonstrate their power to Azerbaijan from time to time is natural

"I think this is a step resulting only from their occupant nature and aggressive position, which again proves falseness of their statements about their being interested in the peaceful resolution of the conflict.

As for the resolution of the Karabakh conflict, he said the conflict can not be eternal in the current state, as it contains the permanent threat of resumption of war.

"This is a source of the threat, being dangerous not only for Armenia and Azerbaijan but also for the entire region and the world. Therefore, the conflict resolution involves not only the conflicting parties, but also big states and international organizations.

"It is necessary to settle this issue as soon as possible. Here, Azerbaijan has a right to liberate its lands, fixed in the international legislation. This is demanded by the Azerbaijani people. Azerbaijan has a right to restore sovereignty over the occupied lands, including the use of armed forces, like it is envisioned by the Constitution", said he.

According to Panah Huseyn, all the occupied lands must be liberated.

"As for the demands, put forward by Azerbaijani citizens of Armenian origin, residing in this region, and the problem, created in the result of these claims, they must be settled by constitutional ways", concluded Huseyn.


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