Today.Az » Politics » Azerbaijan sends note of protest to Russian FM over event promoting separatism in Yekaterinburg
28 August 2023 [15:21] - Today.Az

The Embassy of Azerbaijan sent a note of protest to the Russian Foreign Ministry due to the holding of an event in Yekaterinburg on the occasion of the "30th anniversary of the founding of the Talish-Mugan Autonomous Republic", Azernews reports with reference to the Azerbaijani Embassy Russia.

According to the ministry, the event was directed "against the territorial integrity and sovereignty" of the country.

The so-called Talish-Mugan Autonomous Republic was a self-proclaimed autonomous republic within the Republic of Azerbaijan, formed by the attempt of some forces on the territory of seven regions in the south of the country taking advantage of the vacuum in power at the time. It lasted no more than three month in 1993.

The event was held in the Ural capital on 7 August. The event was attended by the chairman of the Yekaterinburg City Duma, Igor Volodin. The embassy believes that "this step of the representative of the ruling party of Russia" promotes separatism and contradicts the "spirit of allied interaction" between Azerbaijan and Russia.

In addition to the note of protest, Ambassador Polad Bulbul oglu addressed a letter to the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev with a strong protest from Azerbaijan. Shahin Shikhlinski, head of the public national-cultural organization "Azerbaijan-Ural", functioning in Yekaterinburg, sent appeals to the administrative bodies of Yekaterinburg.

Diplomats are now awaiting an official response from the Russian side. The embassy hopes that "immediate measures" will be taken against Igor Volodin and the organizers of the event, and that there will be no such "provocative steps" in the future.

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