Today.Az » Politics » Azeri opposition considers opening of BTC to be great event and passage into democracy
26 May 2005 [16:59] - Today.Az
The Azerbaijani opposition also met opening of the Azerbaijani part of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Main Export Pipeline as a positive event.

This was informed to APA by the chairman of ANSP Ali Aliyev. He noted that BTC was a giant project which could economically and politically help the development of Azerbaijan. According to the chairman of ANSP saying that the forces which were in doubt about this pipeline must reconcile themselves to the actual presence of the pipeline, this would be most efficient project which would create possibilities to export Central Asia oil to the world market. The chairman of ANSP called the Azerbaijani government to use this project in positive way both from economic and political point of view and informed that there was a crisis of the energy providers in the world and the price of oil would increase several times. He considers that the Azerbaijani government must use the BTC project in solving the political problems of our country: "The government must try to place the obtained income correctly. This income must be directed to the prosperity of the Azerbaijani nation. Much to my regret that the government does not explain how the energy needs of Azerbaijan will be satisfied. The government must think about that which measures must be done for satisfying the energy needs of the Azerbaijani population instead of the energy providers to be transferred by means BTC. The government must think about directing the income to be obtained from the energy providers to other fields of the economy of the country in the perspective plan".

The first deputy of the chairman of ADP Sardar Jalaloglu said that such continental economic programs were the part of the globalizing process going in the world. As to him, BTC is also the program related to expanding "The new neighborhood politics" of the European Union: "BTC not only economically unions Azerbaijan with Europe, this pipeline is also directed to bring the values of Europe to Azerbaijan and to democratize the country. We treat this pipeline as a liberty pipeline and think that oil must be transferred to Europe by means BTC and in a figurative meaning the democratic values of Europe, respect to human rights, liberties must come back to Azerbaijan by means of this pipeline. It is a very regretting case that the Azerbaijani government presents this pipeline as its concession to Europe. Instead of the pipeline the Azerbaijani government wants Europe to cover up the deformities of Azerbaijan. However, the big companies which are interested in building this pipeline understand that this pipeline must bring back to the country liberty and democracy, must strengthen our independency, and also understand that Azerbaijan is integrating to Europe both only economically and politically. From this point of view, I value this highly".

The chairman of PFPA (r) Ali Karimli informed APA that the idea of building BTC had existed even during the period of presidency of Abulfaz Elchibay. Today this idea has already realized: "The first step related to building this pipeline was taken on May 9 1993. At that time according to the order of the president Abulfaz Elchibay, even a working group had been formed for discussing those problems with Turkey and preparing an offers envelope. However, the June revolt taken place in 1993 left unfinished this work. After 4 years the present Azerbaijani government began realizing this idea again. We consider important putting into operation of BTC for developing of the oil industry.

We always support this idea because we are the author of this idea. As Azerbaijan integrates to the world union, our country will also democratize. There was such an opinion till now that whether the oil contracts impede democratizing of Azerbaijan. However, the growth of the events shows that the oil contracts and oil pipelines do not work against democratizing, but for it. The companies and states invested great capital to Azerbaijan and intending to get economic income from Azerbaijan take interest in preserving long-term stability here".

One of the founders of "YeS" bloc Eldar Namazov congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the opening of this pipeline stated that, struggle was for the realization of this idea in several authorities. Main leading forces of the county-both authority and opposition wished the realization of this idea:"This project is sure to develop the economy of Azerbaijan and increase its opportunities in the international arena. Today's and future generation will benefit from this project. The countries with great oil resources have two development ways-either development way of Norway or the way of Nigeria. When there is democracy in the countries rich in oil the people, state benefit the oil. However, when there is authoritarianism, human rights are violated, election fraud, corruption the oil deposits belong to a group of persons not to the people, state. We observe poverty, instability, violation of human rights in this country with hundred billions of income. I that the parliamentary elections to be the beginning of democratic turning together with this pipeline".

In the press release received by APA from the Union of pan -Azerbaijan Forces (UPAF), the exploitation of the part of BTC in Azerbaijan is appreciated as historic event. Union of pan-Azerbaijan Forces expressed their confidence that, the oil pipeline will play important role in the resolution of the Upper Garabagh problem and social welfare of Azerbaijan people./APA/

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