Today.Az » Society » Azerbaijani Human Rights activist in Iran lost right of education for life
02 September 2008 [09:09] - Today.Az
One of the Azerbaijani Human Rights activists in Iran Ibrahim Rashidi has been deprived from the right of education for life by the Iranian Education Control Committee.

Rashidi was restricted in his education at the Urmiya University, World Azerbaijanis Congress told APA.

Poet and journalist Ibrahim Rashidi (Savalan) was a columnist of Ulduz (Star) and Bulud (Cloud) magazines and member of editorial staff of Oyanish (Awaking) and Bakhish (View) publications. He was arrested for agitation of 2005 May march to Bazz Fortress and boycotting the presidential elections in Iran and was jailed for 5-month pre-trial restrictions.


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