Today.Az » Society » Rajabov makes a draw against Karjakin
15 January 2007 [00:10] - Today.Az
The last game of a Corus chess festival's second day was Rajabov vs Sergey Karjakin which followed the heavily analyzed lines of the Queen's Indian defense.

When black embarked on the dubious …Bb4/a3/f8 manoeuvre at moves 22-24, white struck forcefully with 25.d5! Black now had to give his queen for a rook and a minor piece, and after the necessary liquidation, tried to build a fortress with his pieces and 2 pawns against white's queen and 3 pawns. Just as it seemed as if Teymur could make headway with his extra pawn, Sergey cleverly gave his bishop for one of the pawns. Now the players arrived at a known structure where despite white's huge material edge, black makes lateral moves with his rook along the third rank, thus preventing any possible invasion by the white king. After a series of checks and half-hearted attempts, the game was drawn.


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