Today.Az » Society » Faig Garayev: "We have to win the rest of matches to qualify for the second round"
01 November 2006 [14:16] - Today.Az
"I congratulate the Russian team on their victory. I think the start of the match was very important to the result because we didn't start off very well," said Azeri coach Faig Garayev at the press conference after loosing a game to Russian squad 1-3.

"We played better in the second set but in the end we made too many mistakes.

"We know their players very well because we've played each other many times. But we've lost two matches now and now we have to win the rest of our matches if we want to qualify for the second round," Garayev added.

"This is a very good victory for us because in the past our games with Azerbaijan have been very close," Giovanni Caprara, Russia's head coach, said.

"They have some of the best players in the tournament and their setter is one of the best setters in the world.

"We were able to win because we blocked very well. The set that we lost, our blocking wasn't that good but overall we played well in defence and attack."

"Our matches with Azerbaijan are always difficult and they were very tough opponents, especially their number 9 (Natalya Mammadova). Today we were able to play in an organised way. We worked hard for each other and received very well," said Natalia Safronova, Russian team's captain.


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