Today.Az » Society » Haji Mammadov threatens to boycott a trial
13 October 2006 [19:07] - Today.Az
Azerbaijan's Court of Grave Crimes today continued the trial of the gang led by Haji Mammadov, former high ranking official of the Interior Ministry Crime Investigation Department.

At the beginning of the trial the judge made his remarks to the lawyers. He said that the lawyers should speak only to their clients during the brief.

Then Yagir Mammadov answered Vali Naghiyev's questions, the lawyer for Naile Guliyeva. He said that Naile Guliyeva did not take part in the crimes. Public prosecutors solicited for investigating the controversial points if his testimony to the court and investigation. The judge met the solicitation.

Then Adil Ismayilov asked Haji Mammadov questions about Azer Ismayilov's death. Mammadov said he will answer the question after expressing his opinion. "The events happened during NSM investigation repeat in the trial. No one can analyze the crimes better than me. I will not come to the trial any more. Pass decision as you like. I prefer to sit in the ward rather than talk to you. I refuse the trial like that," he said.

Then Zakir Nasirov refused to give testimony because of tiredness. Defendant Elchin Aliyev was asked to speak, but he said that he is not ready to give a testimony.

The trial will continue with Zakir Nesirov’s free testimony on October 16, APA reports.

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