Today.Az » Society » First lady of Georgia visits Heydar Aliyev Foundation
09 October 2006 [22:35] - Today.Az
Visiting Georgian first lady Mrs. Sandra Elizabeth Roelofs and her accompanying delegation today arrived at the Heydar Aliyev Foundation where they were welcomed by Azerbaijan's first lady Mehriban Aliyeva.

After the guests watched a documentary film about the Foundation's activity, the meeting between the two countries' first ladies was held.

Mehriban Aliyeva informed the guests about the activity of the Foundation, which she said is directed towards propagandizing the Heydar Aliyev heritage, Azerbaijan's culture and history as well as implementing the nationwide leader-initiated international projects.

She recalled her meetings with Sandra Elizabeth Roelofs in Baku and Tbilisi, saying their current meeting will also give the impetus to the bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Sandra Elizabeth Roelofs expressed her gratitude to Mehriban Aliyeva for warm welcome.

The Georgian first lady said she also heads non-governmental organization in her country, adding she will continue seeking further enhancement of bilateral cooperation with the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. AzerTAg

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