Today.Az » World news » Number of infected with measles in Kyrgyzstan exceeds 5,000 people
11 December 2023 [20:50] - Today.Az

Since the beginning of the year, 5,162 cases of measles have been registered in Kyrgyzstan. Director of the Republican Center for Immunoprophylaxis, Gulbara Ishenapysova, Azernews reports, citing news agency.

According to her, the situation is under control. The incidence rate in Chui and Osh regions is currently decreasing; it is the same in Bishkek, since many parents refuse vaccination.

The campaign for additional immunization of children from nine months to seven years old in Bishkek, Osh, Osh and Chui regions officially ended on November 30. About 480,000 children received the vaccine, coverage reached 79 percent.

However, those who did not have time during the campaign for various reasons can still get vaccinated. To do this, you need to go to the polyclinic.

«Each outbreak requires external assessment. From November 27 to December 9, experts from the World Health Organization assessed the root causes and measures taken in the republic. They hired an independent company to conduct the study, and from today they will interview parents, doctors, and kindergarten workers,» Gulbara Ishenapysova said.

She noted that the number of cases could have been higher, but the response of the Ministry of Health and the submission of an application for the vaccine turned out to be timely.

«The outbreak was expected as vaccination coverage fell across the European region. The vaccine was unavailable for the Kyrgyz Republic in 2022 due to a favorable epidemiological situation, the first cases appeared in January 2023, and we began to sound the alarm, but we were allowed to submit an application only in June,» the head of the center told.

Routine measles vaccination is carried out at 12 months and 6 years old.

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