Today.Az » World news » China, EU hold environment, climate dialogue
09 July 2022 [18:53] - Today.Az

By Trend

The third High-level Environment and Climate Dialogue between China and the European Union was held via video link on Friday, with both sides agreeing to deepen cooperation on environment, climate, and energy, Trend reports citing Xinhua.

Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng and Frans Timmermans, executive vice president of the European Commission for the European Green Deal, held the meeting.

Han, also a Standing Committee member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that the two sides should make full use of the high-level dialogue platform to further implement the consensus reached by their leaders and promote the deepening of the China-EU green partnership.

Han noted that China unswervingly promotes green and low-carbon development, solidly advances the green and low-carbon transformation of the energy sector, actively boosts the development of new energy and clean energy, improves the level of clean and efficient utilization of coal, and ensures that it can realize carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals as scheduled.

China stands ready to work with the EU to further strengthen the policy coordination, enhance technological innovation cooperation, and create more cooperation highlights on energy use towards green and low-carbon transformation, climate change response, and environmental protection, he said.

China appreciates the active leadership of the EU in the global environment and climate governance, Han said, adding that China is willing to work with the EU to promote the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change for practical results.

Timmermans said that the European side highly appreciates China's strong measures and obvious achievements in promoting green and low-carbon development, and is willing to enhance cooperation with China in the fields of environment, climate, and energy.

The EU supports China in successfully holding the second phase of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, Timmermans said.

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