Today.Az » World news » US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to visit Turkey
16 October 2018 [11:07] - Today.Az

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The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will visit Turkey, the Turkish media reported Oct. 16. Pompeo’s visit to Turkey will be a one-day visit and will take place on October 17 of this year, the message says.

During his visit to Turkey, Pompeo will meet with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, and during this meeting, a number of issues including the disappearance of Saudi reporter Jamal Khashoggi will be discussed.

Earlier, the Turkish police entered the building of the Consulate General of Saudi Arabia in the framework of the investigation into the disappearance of Saudi reporter Khashoggi.

On Monday, a joint Turkish-Saudi working group on this case held its first meeting in the Istanbul police department, after which the members of the working group from Saudi Arabia entered the consulate.

Earlier, the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, Walid Bin Abdul Karim El Khereiji, was summoned to the Turkish Foreign Ministry.

"If the Embassy of Saudi Arabia claims that Khashoggi disappeared after leaving the embassy building, they must prove it," a message quoted President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as saying earlier.

Earlier Erdogan said that the Turkish intelligence is investigating the disappearance of the Saudi reporter Khashoggi.

The president of Turkey said this issue is under his personal control.

On Oct. 2, Khashoggi went to the consulate general of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul for some documents. His fiancee was not allowed into the building, and five hours later she was informed that he had already left. She later stated that she did not trust the information and did not know about Khashoggi's whereabouts.

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