Today.Az » World news » Iran says final deal depends on U.S. move
03 July 2015 [20:05] - Today.Az

/By AzerNews/

By Sara Rajabova

Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iranian foreign minister said the conclusion of a final deal between Tehran and the world powers depends on the United States.

He said the results of the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program hinges on the United States’ move to lift the sanctions against Iran.

“The deal will be made or broken on whether the United States wants to lift the sanctions or keep them,” Zarif made the comments in an interview with Al-Monitor media website released on July 2.

He also expressed Iran’s resolve to continue its cooperation with the P5+1 members - the United States, France, Britain, China and Russia - plus Germany - until the conclusion of the talks.

Meanwhile, the International Atomic Energy Agency said in its monthly report on Iran that Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium gas dropped below the maximum level required under a 2013 interim nuclear agreement with world powers, Reuters reported.

IAEA said in report, a confidential document seen by Reuters on July 1, that Iran's stockpile of uranium gas enriched up to a fissile purity of 5 percent was at 7,537 kg at end-June - below a roughly 7,650 kg ceiling stipulated in the November 2013 interim nuclear deal with six world powers.

Iranian media quoted Iranian Ambassador to the IAEA Reza Najafi on July 3 as saying that the Islamic Republic and the IAEA have reached a common understanding on further cooperation.

He said the two have agreed on a general framework how to work on removing the international body’s questions regarding Iran's nuclear activities.

The two are to hold an expert meeting to define a timetable and the executive measures needed to meet IAEA questions.

IAEA Secretary General Yukiya Amano visited Tehran on July 2 to discuss mechanisms for clarification of key nuclear issues with top Iranian officials.

Iran and the P5+1 group of countries had set June 30 as the deadline to agree on a final nuclear deal, but talks in Vienna, Austria missed the target date as some issues remain unresolved between the two sides.

The removal of sanctions against Iran and access to or inspections of the country’s military sites seem to be the major bones of contention.

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