Today.Az » World news » Iran to expand national railway length up to 20,000 kilometers
07 March 2013 [09:31] - Today.Az

Iran will double the length of its national railway to 20,000 kilometres in the near future, IRIB quoted deputy roads and urban development minister Ahmad Sadeqi as saying.

Currently, some 10,000 kilometres of railway lines are operating across the country.

He also said that over 3500 kilometres of highways are being built in the country.

In February, Iran sold seven trillion rials (about $570 million) bonds to expand its roads and transportation infrastructures.

The earnings will be spent to expand railways, major and minor roads across the country, IRNA quoted Sadeqi as saying.

Last year, 54 railway, freeway and highway projects were implemented at a cost of 30 trillion rials (about $2.4 billion) using revenues earned through selling bonds.

He pointed out to financing 50 per cent of the projects through selling bonds and added that 23 trillion rials (about $1.8 billion) is needed annually to implement road transport expansion projects in the country.


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