Today.Az » Politics » Russian and French FMs and Defense Ministers to consider ways of resolving Nagorno-Karabakh conflicts
06 September 2011 [15:16] - Today.Az

Russian and French Foreign and Defense Ministers will consider ways to resolve conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh, Kosovo, and Transnistria, and check approaches of establishing a peace process in Afghanistan, RIA Novosti reported.

Russian and French Foreign Ministers Sergey Lavrov and Alain Juppe, and Russian and French Defense Ministers Anatoly Serdyukov and Gerard Longuet, plan on discussing the situation in Libya, Syria, the problems of the anti-missile defense systems, and the Russian Federation's dialogue with the EU and NATO in Moscow on September 7. Meetings will be held within the bilateral co-operation of the council on safety issues.

Official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Lukashevich said that the sides will discuss the situation in the area of European cooperation, taking into account the cooperation between Moscow and Paris in the UN and Security Council.


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