Today.Az » Politics » Oqtay Atakhan: "Persian chauvinism is a reason of all pressures on Azerbaijani language"
11 November 2008 [18:19] - Today.Az

"The Persian chauvinism is a reason of all pressures on Azerbaijani language, numerous facts of pressure and violation of rights of Azerbaijani in Iran, said leader of the Humanistic Party of Azerbaijan Oqtay Atakhan commenting on the information that teaching Azerbaijani language and literature was banned at the Tebriz university.

He said Iran is a historically Turkic state, to which Persians, whose language is still the state language in this country, bear no attitude. Therefore, Azerbaijanis are a dangerous national minority for Persians.

"If teaching Azerbaijani language at high schools and other educational facilities of Iran is allowed, Azerbaijani language will become the state language in ran in the shortest period of time. Therefore, it is not a surprise that  teaching Azerbaijani language and literature was banned at the Tebriz university in Iran, as the strengthening of the Azerbaijani language will transform Iran into a Turkic state. However, the bellicose Persian chauvinism does not want to allow it", concluded Atakhan.


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