Today.Az » Politics » TurAz Falcon-2022 joint flight-tactical drills underway in Azerbaijan
09 September 2022 [17:04] - Today.Az

By Azernews

By Vugar Khalilov

The TurAz Falcon-2022 (TurAz Qartali) joint flight-tactical drills, which involve Azerbaijani and Turkish pilots, are underway in Azerbaijan, Azernews reports, citing the Defense Ministry.

Under the drill’s plan, military pilots flying from base airfields on predetermined itineraries fulfilled the given tasks in various episodes.

The required duties are successfully completed by personnel during the joint flight-tactical exercises, the ministry said.

Azerbaijan and Turkiye periodically hold joint drills to improve interaction and communication between their army units.

The two nations conducted a series of joint drills such as Indestructible Brotherhood, TurAz Falcon, and Three Brothers in previous years. The military personnel of the Azerbaijani army’s land, air, naval and special forces joined a number of military exercises and seminars in Turkiye.

Military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkiye first emerged in 1992, with an agreement signed between the Azerbaijani and Turkish governments on military education and weapon equipment and deals to help strengthen the bond between the two nations.

On June 15, the two countries signed a memorandum on the alliance that cemented the existing military, political and economic cooperation.